You are a social worker at a local community center and provide a drop in social work service 3 afternoons per week. You are able to provide both short term and long term casework to vulnerable adults in the local community.
Case scenario:
Jenna Wilson is a 19 year old woman who is homeless. She attends your service for help to get her Centrelink benefits restored as they were cut off because she didn’t get her medical certificate to them on the due date. Jenna is on a disability pension due to ongoing mental health; alcohol and drug issues.
You refer to her file as she has attended the service on a number of occasions and you find out that she has had a very difficult life. Jenna was a victim of a brutal childhood sexual assault which was perpetrated by her neighbor when she was eight years old and went through a lengthy trial which saw the man convicted and jailed.
She lost interest in school at 13 and began to truant regularly until she dropped out at 15. Due to increasing tension within the family she left home at 16 and has been in and out of emergency accommodation ever since.
In her file a previous social worker has stated that her parents, Martin and Sophie live at the Sunshine Coast and she has two younger sisters Mia 15 and Sarah 13. A number of attempts have been made to help with family reunification but these have failed due to Jenna’s difficult and at time abusive behavior toward the family. It is noted that her family no longer want contact from her.
On many occasions she has been supported to obtain affordable accommodation but Jenna is not able to sustain the housing and is often evicted due to not paying her rent. She has been diagnosed with Bi-polar but she won’t take her medication regularly. When Jenna attends her community mental health service and is on her medication she is a different person and life begins look up for her but she talks herself into going