Ms Shabana Kesar
Asst. Professor
Department of Women Education
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
Mailing address : Department of women education, MANUU,
Gachchibowli, Hyderabad, 500032.
E-mail ID: -
Paper- Violence against women[VAW]-An issue of Human Rights
issue of human rights
VAW a health & social issue
Dimensions & causes of violence
VAW a global & Indian scenario
Failure to safeguard women’s human rights
Best practices & strategies to be adopted to combat VAW
Introduction:- Violence affects the lives of millions of women worldwide in all socio-economic & educational classes. It cuts across cultural & religious barriers, which impedes women to take full participation in the society. One of the greatest barriers to women’s economic advancement is violence that women have to face routinely. Not only does such violence impede women’s ability to live full & productive lives, it also hampers their contributions to family, society & economic development. VAW is one of the most visible consequences of economic, social, political, legal & cultural inequalities that exist between men & women. It is perpetrated by legal & political systems that have historically discriminated against women. VAW is partly a result of gender relations that assumes men superior to women. Given the subordinate status of women, much of the gender violence is considered normal & enjoys social sanction. The family & its operational unit is where the child is exposed to gender differences since birth, & in recent times even before birth, in the form of sex-determination tests leading to foeticide & female infanticide. The home, which is supposed to be the most secure place, is where women are most exposed to violence.
Deaths of women are extreme outcome of ill treatment, physiological abuse, or physical violence, suffered by women. On the other h&,