The people of the world had turned to wick ways in which the Lord knew it was better for them to die than continue to live in wickedness. God needed a way to cleanse the earth, so he sent Noah. Think of how hard Noah’s live must have been, to be the only member following the Lord, besides from his family. The people must have hated and persecuted him, but he never wandered from the Lord. He knew the truth and was willing to follow God, where He took him.
Noah’s time is much like ours. We, the saints, are persecuted and mocked by the World for our high standards. The world believes we can do what we want when we want and get rid of the consequences later. We are told that the some conditions in Noah’s time will be the conditions preceding the second coming of the Savoir. …show more content…
Maxwell’s talk, For I Will Lead You Along, he says, “Two especially interesting words are used in the Bible to describe Noah’s time: violence and corruption (Gen. 6:11). Violence and corruption, seldom strangers to the human scene, appear to be increasing today.” This talk was given in 1988 and its truth has only increased. Today’s world is violence with shooting every week and the corruption of terrorist groups trying to destroy our standards and way of life. These are just two examples of what the world has becomes and it is so very close to Noah’s generation.
However, like Noah, as Ladder-day Saints, we must stand up for our beliefs and our morals, no matter who tries to knock us down. Follow Noah’s example of coming to the Lord and do whatsoever He asks of us and we will draw strength from the