Violence and Sex in advertising is a controversial issue in American society. Some think that this type of advertising is not an issue while others believe it can be a major issue. While most people know what violence and sex in advertising contain, I believe it’s important to define what it really is. Violence and Sex in advertising can be defined as any advertisement that depicts some type of nudity whether is be partial or complete while also insinuating some type of violence. Although sex in advertising has been around for decades, have the advertisers gone to far by incorporating violence into the ads?
As we know sex is portrayed in almost all advertisements, whether it be from toilet paper to cologne. While many people do not realize sex is even in an advertisement, others have strong feelings against it. Although violence and sex gains the consumers attention it doesn’t actually sell products. Many ads that depict violence and sex usually portray both men and women in a demeaning way. Fashion ads are notorious for using violence and sex in advertising and they do it in a way that that it becomes more of a luxury element and glamorizes sexual violence. However when people see these ads they don’t actually remember the product being advertised because they are concentrating more on the violence and sex than they are on the product itself.
In Brad Bushman’s article, “Violence and Sex in Television Programs Do Not Sell Products in Advertisements”, he explores the issue of sex and violence in television programs and their effect on the consumer’s memory for products in commercials. In this study, people in the age range between 18 and 54 watched television programs that contained violence, sex, both, or neither. Within each program there was 12 of the same ads that were shown with unfamiliar brands since consumers have brand loyalty. The results showed that by inserting an ad in a program with violence or sex it
Cited: Bushman, Brad J. 2005. "Violence and Sex in Television Programs Do Not Sell Products in Advertisements." Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell) 16, no. 9: 702-708. (October 26, 2011). Dee, Juliet. 1985. "Myths and Mirrors: A Qualitative Analysis of Images of Violence against Women in Mainstream Advertising." (October 26, 2011) Ferguson, Christopher J., Amanda M. Cruz, Daniel Martinez, Stephanie M. Rueda, and Diana E. Ferguson. 2010. "Violence and sex as advertising strategies in television commercials." European Psychologist 15, no. 4: 304-311. (October 26, 2011). Malamuth, Neil M., and John Briere. 1986. "Sexual violence in the media: Indirect effects on aggression against women." Journal of Social Issues 42, no. 3: 75-92. (October 26, 2011).