Violent events has always been covered by the news media. “From 1927 to 1968, 19,000 stories were published in the Atlanta Constitution, the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle, 17.6% of the stories were found to have violent content and roughly 2.3 stories per page was referencing a violent article” (Scharrer 2). Although it may be an indirect effect, newspapers are broadening the knowledge of violence among American society by sharing continuously reporting the violent acts done by society. Through the availability and frequency of current information presented, once heinous acts have turned into semi-normal activities. After September 11, 2001 attacks, 24-hour news programs showed many sensitive, affected individuals, however as a result this has desensitized violence for many other Americans (Scharrer 1). The 9/11 attacks had a significant impact on everyday Americans, simply because nothing like that event has even happened before. These attacks raised the bar for terrorist attacks from what the American public knew at the time. One may compare the severity of a terrorist attack to a major event that has happened in the past, often times we determine the severity of the recent event to be be less than that of a major attack in the past. This has a continuous effect of …show more content…
Our country has always resorted to violence to get a point across no matter whether it was for independence, civil rights, or other prominent movements. One of the first uprisings was led by Nat Turner in 1831, the results were the deaths of approximately 60 people, maining women and children (Kennedy 350). Turner wanted to get his message across, of which was to free those in captivity, he turned to violence to do so. This ideology of violence for a cause had a lasting impact on future generations.”Embodying this new militancy was Malcolm X...he was at first inspired by the militant black nationalists in the Nation of Islam” (Kennedy 889). Malcolm X was a leader of the civil rights movement in the late 1900s, who turned to more violent tactics compared to his more peaceful counterpart, Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X showed America the more aggressive side to the civil rights movement through demonstrations of which his predecessors, such as Nat Turner, attempted to do earlier. Violent protests will make an impact on the mind of America, however as violent protest continues over time, the mind will have less and less of reaction to the act. One of the earliest acts of violence for a cause was the Boston Massacre, “Acting apparently without orders, but nervous and provoked by the jeering crowd the troops opened fire and killed or wounded eleven citizens, an event that