Coercive violence
During this period a big problem arises in Nigeria as the change of coups is announced and Eugene …show more content…
We are made aware that violence will arise as a result of the changes made in that country and this seems to be the beginning of violence in the country, “A coup always began a vicious cycle” (Chimamanda, p.24). The first signs that we are exposed to is the protests that are taking place after the news spread and this requires everyone to choose a side, whether they are for the coup or the people (27), kambili’s driver puts green branches above their number plates as a sign of “solidity” (27) towards the protestors and to avoid being in trouble.
Fear is portrayed due to the coercive violence that takes place in the public life because they community is forced to live in fear of what might happen to them if they express their thoughts and feelings and the fear of double crossing authority. The violence grows to an extent whereby soldiers end up creating roadblocks near markets as a way of enforcing change and power …show more content…
Christianity/Catholicism (Chimamanda, p.28), this is one on the centre themes in the novel which seems to be a very big problem in the Achike household as Eugene, the father is strongly against the Igbo tradition and refers to it as “heathen” , “pagan” and everyone who follows it a Godless (Chimamanda, p.29). His believes end up ruining his relationship with his father other members of the community because he feels his religion is superior to any other religion. He also deprives his children the opportunity to get to know their grandfather because he thinks his a “heathen” (61). He forces the religion down on the wife and his children together with everyone around him and makes sure that they follow the rules at all time so that they don’t go to “hell” (Chimamanda, p.196). Ifeoma, Eugene’s sister is the complete opposite of Eugene because unlike him, she is able to accommodate other people’s religion and even though she is also a Christian she still keeps some of the traditions. The family is torn apart because of their religious believes but this doesn’t only affect the Achike family but the community as a whole as everyone tries too hard to spread their religious beliefs and make it more superior to the