Studies have also shown that, “male teens who watched violent rap music videos.
had more aggressive attitudes toward women in general, than males who were shown nonviolent rap.” Rap music can negatively influence the minds of most youth causing them to participate in violence.When rap music was created at first, It was used to express an artist's creativity and emotions freely. However, today it is all about the violence and the negative thoughts. Violence is viewed as a big thing in rap music and often times, it is portrayed to be okay in rap. Childrens, teenagers, and young adults tend to have a good memory when it comes to listening the lyrics of
music. So often times when they listen to rap music repeatedly, the lyrics and mood in the song will become installed in that person’s memory causing them to act in a certain way. Most youth who listen to rap music tend to model the behaviors they see. Researchers have shown that rap music tend to be more violence and have more explicit language than other music genres, In an Emory University study, published in the “American Journal of public Health,” “black girls between 14 and 18 who viewed hardcover videos for 14 hours a week or more were found”three times more likely to hit a teacher and 2.5 times more likely to get arrested.” Also a study by psychology professors at illinois State University found that after viewing music videos that included violent acts, male undergraduates were more hostile in their behaviors as positive. Studies have also shown that, “male teens who watched violent rap music videos. had more aggressive attitudes toward women in general, than males who were shown nonviolent rap.” Rap music can negatively influence the minds of most youth causing them to participate in violence.