Some of the strategies for responding to violent behavior are to put one who has violent behavior in solitary confinement, adding more time to their sentence that they have, or even loosing privileges such as going outside to receiving mail from friends and family. Most people who are incarcerated don’t want to be there any longer than they have to and they just want to serve out their sentence without having any problems. The more…
Proponents of the supermax systems argue that these new state of the art prisons help control the violence among prisoners by isolating the most violent inmates. By isolating the violent inmates, the rates of staff assaults and inmate on inmate assaults are lower. “Prison officials…
This study was developed due to previous research that found the campus community and other social and personal factors discouraged minority students of color to enroll to universities. The goal of this study was to find unique ways of making minority students of color feel comfortable in these universities, break down any misconceptions they may have and get them enrolled and guide them through the completion of their program. I chose this article because it is an effort that I am truly passionate about. Minority representation in higher education is a great way to move toward elevating stereotypes and really helping people to feel empowered and motivated. This article was peer reviewed and supported by distinguished experts in the field of psychology who study the trends of recruitment and retention…
In accordance to the article, “Distinction between Conflict and Radical Criminology”, many issues pertaining to conflict criminology, are addressed strongly as somehow a bit discriminatory to that of the minority (Bernard, 1981). As per the article, “Conflict criminology takes a different approach since it is based on a "labelling" definition of crime: crime is whatever the agencies of the criminal justice system officially define as crime” (Bernard, 1981). From a person with a minority background, and part of the powerless percent, this statement is a far cry from the justice system we so seek. Because crime is identified towards whatever those in power see fit, it leaves little to no room for those on the bottom half of society to voice their…
If someone is so accustomed to violence, then treating that person with violence is not going to help, because at the end of the day, when, and if, this person is released, how do you expect they are going to respond to something that they do not like? I will take ‘with violence’ for three hundred, please. And after that happens, where will they ended up? You guessed right, prison. A place where they are continuously treated with violence, so in actuality, it is a never ending cycle that is difficult to escape (Alexander). Also, what about prisoners who get out and have kids and cannot supported their families, so they steal to support their families, and then get caught, as this was the case with Olivia Hamilton…
- violence in prisons isn't a product of the institution itself but the characteristics of individuals who enter them…
Many individuals like to think that violence does not exist, but it does and it is considered a “public health problem that has a substantial impact on individuals, their families and communities, and society, and it affects millions of people physically, mentally, and comes with a lot of economic consequences” (Understanding and Preventing, 2013, p. 2). This course also shed light other issues by reading articles on issues that might affect our jobs, LEOs, people department or the…
Our topic is on police brutality. This has been an ongoing problem in our society for many years now. Many people believe that police officers do use excessive force when patrolling on the streets with civilians. The main social problem for our topic relates to the use of excessive force. Excessive force can cost local communities millions of dollars due to legal damages. Most civilians now do believe that all police officers are bad due to all of the drama that has been occurring throughout these last few years. People believe that the main reason why this excessive force takes place is because of racism. Dudek talked about a situation that took place in Ferguson, MO. He stated, “The killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO,…
I know one fellow who was arrested for participating in a Quaker peace vigil and was jailed in lieu of paying a ten-dollar fine. In a forty-eight- hour period, he was savagely raped and traded back and forth among more than fifty violent prisoners. That was twenty years ago, and since then he has had years of therapy, and yet he has never recovered emotionally. His entire life still centers around the decision of one prison superintendent to place him in a violent cellblock in order to "teach him a lesson." Most nonviolent offenders do in fact learn a lesson: how to be violent. Ironically; we spend an average of $20,000 per year, per inmate, teaching them this. For less than that we could be sending every nonviolent offender to college. None of us, including prison staff, should accept violence as a fact of prison life, and it would be easy not to. We could designate certain facilities as zero-violence areas and allow inmates to live there as long as they don't commit-or even threaten to commit-a single violent act. The great majority of prisoners would sign up for such a place, I…
As crime rates grow, so do the number of prisons that are used to control it. Timothy Williams stated, “Violent crime rose in the United Sates in 2012 for the first time in six years, led by an increase in major crimes in large cities” (Williams par.1). As crime grows in America, the danger of our cities does as well for most crimes occur in populated suburban areas. Williams said, “The largest increases took place in cities with populations of between 500,000 and one million people, where violent crime rose by 3.7 percent, including a 12.5 percent spike in murder rates” (Williams par. 2). Crimes that occur in areas of large populations are especially dangerous due to the fact that it puts a large amount of people in danger. The author also said, “The last year in which violent crime rose nationally was 2006, when the rate went up by 1.9 percent. Before that, from 1996 to 2005, violent crime had declined by 17.6 percent, according to the F.B.I figures” (Williams par. 6). Due to the large decrease of 17.6 percent in crime from 1996 to 2005, then to the rapid increase of 1.9 percent in crime in 2006, the data clearly shows that the U.S needs to put more prisons into the states so that the rising crime rates can be controlled. Adult men in prison are put into groups depending on the crime they were found guilty of and how dangerous they would be to the public if they escaped. There are four of these groups called security…
The newly entered prisoners are specialized victimized of prison violence and become involved in the subculture. Shift lag is also a powerful factor in the professional life of prison workers that results in violence of rules in the prison. They feel hypnotic, dull and avoid completing their job tasks with interest and responsibility.…
When it comes to the use of violence in organized crime, crime is and always has been an intricate and calculated part of organized crime. Violence against other crime families and gangs to control territories has always been first and foremost when speaking about organized crime families and gangs. Violence is also used to intimidate any potential witnesses in the neighborhoods where organized crime families and gangs conduct illegal businesses as a way to in sure that no one has an idea to come forward as a witness. Some examples of the violence within the Stanfa regime came after John stanfa took over the Philly mob” and engaged in an all out street war with a younger faction led by Joseph “Skinny Joey” Merlino.…
One of the biggest issues in criminal justice right now is the use of force by police officers and more specifically the use of excessive force. This is such an issue in the field of criminal justice because it has led to an almost anti-police movement across America, specifically in those areas where minorities are prominent. This issue is an issue in criminal justice due to the fact that through all of the cases of police brutality across America the public opinion towards police has been hastily decreasing and trust in the police along with it. As seen in the video that shocked New Hampshire back in 2014 (Berg, 2014) of police officers from the Seabrook New Hampshire Police Department slamming Michael Bergeron Jr.’s head into a wall and then using pepper spray on him, showing that police brutality can happen anywhere at any time and to anybody regardless of race or ethnic background. This video caused an uproar throughout the nation in a time when police were already at center stage in the national spotlight for similar incidents. This is an issue that…
In our American government system, we have developed a systematic based rehabilitation source, to adjust criminal behavior and reduce it. Though even with this system put in place, and these people supposedly being confined and guarded. Assault still happens in prison, Troy Erik Isaac would know firsthand, by being raped and assaulted at twelve, he was sentenced to juvenile detention for one week for a vandalism crime. On his first day there, he was raped by an older cellmate (Kasier).…
Punishment is defined as the infliction of a penalty for an offense. The novel Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky took place in St. Petersburg, Russia, mid 1860s. The main character, Raskolnikov, committed the murder of a pawn broker and her sister which he became ill with guilt. He is accused as the murderer but denied it until the end where he eventually confessed and was sent to Siberia. In the novel, Raskolnikov had an unbearable amount of guilt, faced punishment by imprisonment, and gave his heart to God for forgiveness. Conflicts he was put through helped illuminate the meaning of the novel: For all crimes, there will be punishment.…