This site provided basic information about social problems merged with video gamers tendencies. It does raise some important issues about the effect of videogames in our society and status that may be useful for my Recommendation Report. It is a commercial site rather than an academic site, so it provides some internal opinions of the writer and from the public (it’s an open space) which are helpful but not 100% trustful. It does list some primary sources. In general, I would use this site in my research as an extra add, but I wouldn’t base all my paper on the information provided over here.…
As a person who has been babysitting for about six years, I can attest to the fact that the children who played violent video games were more aggressive than the children who were interested in art or sports. Violent video games teach children that violence is acceptable and fun at the same time, have been proven to lead to aggressive behaviors in children, and also desensitize children. The violent acts depicted in video games are morphing the minds of young children, allowing them to think that gun violence and killing is a recreational…
According to the article “Shooting in the Dark” author, Benedict Carey, states that studies today on violent video games show no concrete evidence on actually long term negative effects on gamers. Mr. Carey is not a researcher or scientist but is a veteran writer of neuroscience, neurology, and psychology. Throughout this article he gives factual evidence and quotes from scholarly sources such as doctors and researchers in the fields of behavior and psychology. The author gives ample explanation on evidence used from his sources to give the optimal understanding to the reader of the results and/or findings given by the sources. The article connects to the modern age of gamers with examples from big name video games popular with today’s video gamers. Although Mr. Carey does give evidence that violent video games have been found to give short term negative effects he does reassure the reader through quotes and statements from his sources that no studies show consistent long term effects. The claim of the author about the research on the effects of violent video games is strongly supported and backed through his use of rhetorical appeals and scholarly evidence.…
In the article written by Anderson and Kurti, I am introduced to how today the military uses video games to recruit and train their soldiers. To my surprise video/computer gaming and the military are more related than I thought they would be. Before reading this article, I always thought that video games such as Call of Duty or Halo, were highly influenced by what was done realistically in the military. Essentially, some qualities of these video games were of course influenced by what was done in the military. For example, the setting of the video games, what the video game character wore and so on. However when I was reading the article, I learned that the weapons that were created in computer and video games influenced the military. The article…
In today’s society video games can cause many behavior problems. The violence in video games can affect children in many ways. Violent video games affect a person’s brain and health. At last, violent video games also affect the player’s personality in various ways.…
Players would get reward from killing in video games instead of punishing them. This would encourage people to be violence. Moreover, violent video games teach children that violence is an acceptable way to solve problems. A study from 2009 found that children who play violent video games have lower belief in the use of nonviolent strategies and are less forgiving than players of nonviolent video games. According to a web, “Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve…
Violence in video games has been around for many years and many kids have played them. Some people believe that these video games change the kids’ minds and make them killers while others feel that it does nothing to them. Although no outcome has been decided yet, studies have shown that the violence in videogames can change the way that kids think, some bad like killing and others good like problem solving. As technology gets more advanced and the graphics get better, the video games become more violent. However, there has also been a rise in sports and puzzle games allowing kids to problem solve and maybe get motivated to play a sport. Violent video games can be an issue to the society because of the kids that play them, but violent videogames could help us train kids to be more focused.…
Have you ever wondered what causes people to snap the way they do, is it a bad childhood? An abusive childhood? Ostracism or is there a connection of violent video games and they crimes? Every time that a major criminal act occurs, like a maniac going on a killing spree, the government and society aims straight towards violent video games. People question, “Is there a link between atrocious acts of violence and video games?” I believe that there is. I agree that there’s a connection because statistics support that violent video games can sometimes, most of the time, corrupt ones mind. Also, these violent games cause people, especially young people to make bad and wrong decisions. Lastly, it puts more into a sick persons mind and causes them to snap. Many articles are around to support this, however, many are also around to oppose it.…
4. The problem there in hand doesn’t lie within the parameters of violent video games, it lies with parenting and other unforeseen issues.…
The violence is controlled to an acceptable level where an individual can always restart, or assist in “reviving” a fallen comrade. Speaking from personal experience, I have seen my son pick weapons inside a video game that he knows will work for specific missions (often customizing it to meet specific requirements). He is fully aware that close air support has a limited time on station, and coordination with other team members is essential to completing the mission. He understands “military jargon” used in the real military due to his exposure to these games. I often find he understands more of what I say then my wife when we reminisce about my time in the military. The pentagon and game developers have tapped into the American emphasis on violence in our society. A perfect example is my son playing, “Call of Duty” where he will kill numerous insurgents, Russian separatists, rogue androids, or entire countries with tactical sub-orbital strikes. But, he still covers his eyes during nude scenes in movies. Somehow we have associated violent content as marginally acceptable, and intimate moments as…
America is a great country. There are people, there’s order, and there’s even a military to protect us. This military is made up of warriors and brave men and women that are ready to fight when our country needs them, but they aren’t just born like that. For a long time the government had a small military because not many men and women were brave enough to fight. The government needed a solution, so they researched for years to try and find a way to make braver kids in America. The answer was violent video games. It was simple. Kids love video games and would play almost any game out there, so the government negotiated with some game companies and finally found a deal with Activision to make a war simulating game.…
Tamborini, R. (2004). Violent virtual video games and hostile thoughts. Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, 48(3), 335.…
Video games are actually simulated physical activity, where the player is not doing the muscles part of action but only the brain part of it. Every kind of action can be found there but, our discussion being about violence, I will refer to fighting games in particular. Titles like: Streetfighter, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Grand Theft Auto, Doom, Blade of Darkness, Alien vs Predator are indicative of their content. In all these games the player is required to fight, outsmart, and defeat an enemy. The enemy is usually human (soldiers, spies, gangsters, knights, evil people) but there are also aliens, ghosts, creatures and other things. Every possible form of fighting is used; martial arts, gun fighting, air fighting, submarine fighting, spacecraft fighting, anything we can imagine. Yet all this mayhem has nothing to do with violence. Violence means harm, pain, suffering. There are no such elements in video games. The pain is never shown and the victim can be completely run over and then pop back up without harm. The characters do not look realistic either by technical or by artistic standards. They are not given a substantial personality and they lack real life motivations and emotions. They remind more of toys than of living creatures. The player cannot get emotionally involved (nobody cries when playing Max Payne, although the game’s story is supposed to be very tragic). The whole thing is a juggling experience rather than one of watching a movie. After all, the game is there to be played, not to be watched, and fighting is just an excuse for practicing quick response, accuracy, strategy, and other skills. But if it was to be watched, one would see in it images, colors, motion, speed, sounds, special effects and music; definitely not violence and pain. In the few instances were gore is…
It seems like everywhere we as a society look today, violence rears its disgusting head. We see violence in the streets, back alleys, and even our schools. Violence can now be seen in many people's living rooms while they are sitting down playing video games. Children and teenagers seem to be the most effected by violence on video games.…
For the last two Decades researchers have investigated whether or not video games cause violent behavior. During this period of time there have been multiple violent events in the world and people make the assumption that the violent behavior is caused by video games. To my experience I would have to agree with this statement and say that video games do cause violent behavior because I have encountered someone's behavior, I have seen the development of how realistic the games look like, and I have personally felt the sensation of playing the games myself.…