Virgo is a Summer Zodiac Sign (as are the Signs of Cancer and Leo). This time of the year is also known as the Summer Solstice when the days are longer and the nights are shorter than at any other time during the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer usually begins on June 21, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it begins around December 21. However, for the purposes of Astrology, the Northern Hemisphere timeframe marks the beginning of this Season. Spring is the Second Quarter (or Quadrant) of the yearly cycle and is traditionally considered to be a magical time during which the new life initiated in the springtime grows to maturity. In terms of the human life cycle, summer represents the time from the age of twenty-one to the age of forty-two...the dynamic period of development encompassing early adulthood to the mid-life period.
The lucky number for Virgo is five (also known as the Pentad). Natives of Virgo share this number with those governed by the Sign of Gemini. Five represents sensuality and symbolizes freedom, variety, adventure and the senses. It is the golden mean, representative of all that is part of human nature (including sex, drugs, alcohol and other forms of indulgence). In geometry, five is the magic pentagram...the universal symbol of man, representing the body with five points (head, two arms and two legs) as well as the five physical senses. A couple of mystical tales about a Virgo is that a Virgo represents Mary, Mother of Jesus. The mother of Christ remains a Virgin in the minds of others even when Jesus is born. This does not mean an untouched woman, or intact. In ancient times this meant unmarried lady. The Greek Goddess Astraea is Goddess of Justice. The Goddess Demeter, an earth Goddess who has a natural affinity with agriculture. The Syrian Goddess Atargatis Associated with Uranus, and the Moon, the sexy Goddess.
VIRGO is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mercury. VIRGOS constantly search