Virtual Meeting Scenario
In the past, a meeting for many global companies and organizations with largely distributed partakers was challenging. For example, previously if a company called a meeting and attendees were in different locations, the business would either fly those in attendance to a central location, or hold conference calls. Today companies take advantage of technology by holding virtual meetings. According to Educause Learning Initiative “A virtual meeting is Online virtual meetings are real-time interactions that take place over the Internet using features such as audio and video, chat tools, and application sharing” (Educase Learning Initiative, 2006). In other words a virtual meeting can link meeting participants without him or her ever leaving his or her workplace. From this new innovation businesses can expand businesses and make decisions faster; however, all meeting attendees should learn to respect each other, communicate, and appreciate each other’s differences.
There are several types of teams, from sports teams to debate teams and workplace teams. Workplace teams is the focus of this paper, specifically virtual teams, the individual who are a part of the team must be there to create a cooperative effort for teamwork to be present. Different obstacles can be created by virtual meetings because the individuals involved in the meeting are not face to face and only have what each other say to make his or her impressions and perceptions. The teams involved in the virtual meetings have to be open to learn, share, discuss, and seek information and knowledge. The virtual meeting scenario with Pablo, Sam and Lifang Lin, they all are from different regions and cultures. The simulation is provided by University of Phoenix (2009). The obstacles and difficulties that each individual in the simulation endures include accents, stereotypes, culture, ego and gender. There are remarks made based on one’s culture and
References: Consortium & Educause Learning Initiative, (2006) New Media, retrieved November 19, 2011 from website: University of Phoenix, Inc. (2009) retrieved November 19, 2011 from website: