Imagine a place where all things are possible. Where an adventure is just a step away. Where anything you can imagine could come true. Where is this? In virtual reality. Embark on new adventures or simply learn a new skill. No matter what it is you are trying to achieve, virtual reality can take you there. Technology keeps moving forward and improving along the way. Virtual reality can help to do so many thing from making that movie look even cooler to helping to train you for that new job you just accepted. Here I will show you what virtual reality is, where it started, what it can be used for and where it can go in the future. With virtual reality the possibilities are endless and we can truly do anything. Virtual reality is the use of computers to create a simulated environment that has an illusion of reality and immerses you in the experience (Bowles, 2010). Seeing things in a three-dimensional way that seems to immerse you into a world of make believe. Virtual environment (VE) is used to refer to virtual reality as well, the concept remains the same – using computer technology to create a simulated, three-dimensional world that a user can manipulate and explore while feeling as if he were in the world (Strickland, n.d). Some of the leading scientists, researcher, and entrepreneurs who invented some of the technology and applications that evolved into what we currently known as VR devices include: Morton Heilig, Douglas Engelbart, Myron Krueger, Ivan Sutherland, Thomas Furness, Frederick Brooks, and Jaron Lanier (Ebersole, 1997). Virtual reality’s roots, arguably, began back in 1965 by means of the “ultimate display”
Imagine a place where all things are possible. Where an adventure is just a step away. Where anything you can imagine could come true. Where is this? In virtual reality. Embark on new adventures or simply learn a new skill. No matter what it is you are trying to achieve, virtual reality can take you there. Technology keeps moving forward and improving along the way. Virtual reality can help to do so many thing from making that movie look even cooler to helping to train you for that new job you just accepted. Here I will show you what virtual reality is, where it started, what it can be used for and where it can go in the future. With virtual reality the possibilities are endless and we can truly do anything. Virtual reality is the use of computers to create a simulated environment that has an illusion of reality and immerses you in the experience (Bowles, 2010). Seeing things in a three-dimensional way that seems to immerse you into a world of make believe. Virtual environment (VE) is used to refer to virtual reality as well, the concept remains the same – using computer technology to create a simulated, three-dimensional world that a user can manipulate and explore while feeling as if he were in the world (Strickland, n.d). Some of the leading scientists, researcher, and entrepreneurs who invented some of the technology and applications that evolved into what we currently known as VR devices include: Morton Heilig, Douglas Engelbart, Myron Krueger, Ivan Sutherland, Thomas Furness, Frederick Brooks, and Jaron Lanier (Ebersole, 1997). Virtual reality’s roots, arguably, began back in 1965 by means of the “ultimate display”