Course: WXGB6110
Date Submitted: 9th January, 2013
RUSA (Reference & User Services Association) defines Virtual Reference (VR) as a reference service initiated electronically, often in real-time, where patrons employ computers or other Internet technology such as chat, videoconferencing, Voice over IP, co-browsing, e-mail, and instant messaging to communicate with reference staff, without being physically present (ALA, 2008). According to OCLC (n.d.), VR is the use of computer and communications technology to provide reference service to patrons anytime and anywhere in the form of asynchronous digital reference, such as e-mail and Web-form questions, in which the patron submits a question and the librarian responds at a later time and synchronous digital reference, such as chat and voice over IP, in which the patron and librarian communicate in real time. VR queries are sometimes followed-up with telephone, fax, in-person and regular mail interactions, even though these modes of communication are not considered virtual, and while online sources are often utilized in provision of virtual reference, use of electronic sources in seeking answers is not in itself virtual reference (ALA, 2008). Wikipedia (2012) describes digital reference (or VR) as a service by which a library reference service is conducted online, and the reference transaction is a computer-mediated communication by library professionals to users who cannot access or do not want face-to-face communication. VR service is most often an extension of a library 's existing reference service program which includes providing assistance to library users in finding information, answering questions, and otherwise fulfilling users’ information needs. This report focuses on Chat Reference, especially the in terms of interpersonal communication indicators evaluation as compared to face-to-face reference services. Conclusions are
References: American Library Association (ALA). (2008). Guidelines for Implementing and Maintaining Virtual Reference Services. Retrieved November 10, 2012 from rusa/resources/guidelines/virtrefguidelines Coffman, S., & Arret, L Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC). (n.d.). What is virtual reference? Retrieved November 10, 2012 from Radford, M