The following pages are an example of a restaurant business plan. This document was compiled from a number of different sources and includes financial statements generated by the Virtual Restaurant Financial Modeling Spreadsheets. The content of this document is protected but general permission is given to use it for the development of a single business plan. This document is intended for use only as an example and a guide. There is no Vivando Restaurant as described below. The names, addresses, and phone numbers used are invented. The data and studies cited are fictitious. Warning: Although it may be tempting to simply change the names, etc. and present a finished plan without doing any research or fact finding specific to your project, we do not recommend it. This document is meant to be used only as a guide and the work you will do to recreate it for your own venture will be invaluable in both your efforts to raise money and your chances for long-term success. Note: this lite version of our Restaurant Business Plan Part 1: Narrative Outline & Sample has been edited and while still functional is not the complete version found in the original product. Certain sections and parts of sections have been deleted or modified, and not all of the financial documents or appedices are included.
© Virtual Restaurant, Incorporated 2008. All rights reserved Vivando Restaurant
Business Plan
June 8, 2005
Copy A4 Submitted to:___________________________
This information contained in this document should be considered proprietary and confidential. This document is the property of Vivando, Inc. and may not be copied or distributed without permission.
Vivando, Inc. Elliot Davies, President
645 Deacon Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 617 832 2401, Fax: 617 832 5543
Table of Contents
Executive Summary Company Description Industry Analysis Products