Sawv Her
GS1145 DiPalermo, Vincent
February 27, 2015
Trusting a teammate virtually is what I would be hard unless you’ve already previously met them in person. With trusting a teammate and not having met them in person makes it hard because you may be doing more work than them.
In traditional teams trusting becomes more of a reliance than anything else because once you’ve met the teammates and learned about them then you can go about doing the tasks because you know what they’re good at.
Team Structure
Virtual team structures may be hard because of distance barriers and not knowing what each other is capable of even though you may know them professionally, you may not know how they work since they’re only virtually communicating with you.
Traditional team structures can be more reliant since everyone is present and with that you know each strong and weak points. From there you can assign tasks to fit their “profile.”
With this communication comes better since everything is done via video chats or conference calls. Only thing that is the downfall is having reception or an internet connection to make the calls.
Traditional team communications is always face to face and even when someone on the team needs help, they can call each other by personal cellphones.
Performance for virtual teams would be hard to keep track of because you would have to base everything on trust making sure that all team members have done their part.
Traditional teams you can physically access your team members progress by face to face meets. And knowing what everyone is doing you can make the project flow better than having to piece it like you would with virtual teams.
Virtual teams is all based on technology. If the communications fail using technology than the whole project could be ruined. Things can be lost while transferring from emails and or erased by power outages.
Traditional teams may base