Virtue Ethics
After reading Aristotle’s work on ethics and thinking about it for a few days, I realized that everything action we take and word we say falls under Virtue Ethics. Virtue Ethics for me emphasizes character rather than rules or consequences. Identifying habits and behaviors that allow people to reach “the good life”, these habits and behaviors are virtues. This type of ethical theory will allow people to show more personality and bring out more of the persons qualities.
Aristotle’s ethics emphasizes the value of reason and virtue for good moral character. It also elevated the world of reason to a level where other societies did not have it. Every activity has a final cause, the good at which it aims, and Aristotle argued that since there cannot be an infinite regress of merely extrinsic goods, there must be a highest good at which all human activity ultimately aims. (Nic. Ethics I 2 p124-125) This end of human life could be called happiness but is it really happiness? Neither the common thinking of pleasure, wealth, and honor nor the rational theory of forms provide a satisfactory account of this, since even people who gain the material goods may not be happy.
According to some of the readings from Aristotle, things of any variety have a