Mr. Hahn
Phil 2310
10 May 2010
Virtue Ethics and Ethics of Care Aristotle and Rita Manning both have different theories when it comes to ethics. Aristotle uses virtue ethics to answer questions about morality whereas Manning uses what is called ethics of caring to do the same thing. Virtue ethics claims people’s actions aim towards the highest good of happiness. From happiness, moral virtue stems from reasons governing the desires of the soul. Manning on the other hand believes that moral actions extend from people caring for one another on a personal level. By developing the ability to care for others, people become morally aware of how to act in certain situations. When the question of: “how ought I live my life?” is asked, Aristotle and Manning would approach the question with different factors in mind. The way in which each person responds to the question, would contain unique areas of excellence, as well as areas where the question would pose a challenge. Based on the workings of each person’s respective theories, both Aristotle and Rita Manning would answer the question of “how ought I live my life?” in different manners, but both theories will lead to a life of more morality.
Aristotle claims “every action and pursuit is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that which all things aim” (Aristotle 8). Virtue ethics claims that humans strive for good within their activities. The highest goods are considered ends in themselves because they are ultimate, complete, self-sufficient, and attainable by activity. The chief or ultimate good according to Aristotle is happiness because it embodies all of the qualities of the highest good and it is an end in itself. Everything else considered good only can lead to happiness, whereas happiness does not lead to anything greater. Humans have a greater sense of happiness and pleasure than animals because of the way the human soul is divided. The