In the Catechism and Rerum Novarum virtue was important in bringing about
the common good in society, “human society can be neither well ordered or
prosperous unless it has some people invested with legitimate authority to
preserve its institution and devote themselves as far as is necessary to work and
care for the good of all”. (CC1896)
As mentioned elected officials of any society must be ready to do good and
give the best of themselves so that the whole society can benefit. The cardinal
virtues must be a pivotal part of that rule, the cardinal rules demanded that good
civil authorities should make earnest efforts to bring about situations in which
citizens can easily exercise their rights and fulfill their duties as well.
Unless these authorities practice the use of the cardinal rules and take suitable
actions with regards to bringing about the common good then inequalities
between people will become more widespread and as a result human right
becomes ineffective and fulfillment of duties is compromised. “Every human
society needs an authority to govern it” 16
The Catechism and Rerum Novarum agreed that to bring about the common
good everyone in the society should be free to participate and has the
responsibility to choose its government, “Authority does not derive its moral
legitimacy from itself” (1902) therefore the appointment of leaders must be
through the free decision of the society.
Virtue teaches that people in authority must act for the common good as a
“moral based on freedom lend a sense of responsibility” 21. The common good
should preserve every right of the common citizen, authority should respect “the
inalienable right of all person” (1907)
The church like the rest of society has the same right and duty to promote the
common good. The church must fulfill its obligation with fidelity and competence;
they should act as an example