1.1) Duties of Mother to her children * the duties is that a mother must always be the for the child and make sure he child is at a good stage or health 1.2) Qualities of Mother must poses * A mom will love her children ‘to the moon and back’ and more. They love with an unconditional love, much like God does. We may not approve of what they do, or who they see, but our love is constant. 1.3) Responsibility of wife to her husband * The wife’s responsibility is to allow the husband to be Spiritual head of the household. That she is to submit to his leadership. 1.4) Quality of a man must considered of a choosing his wife * It is the nature of things that man should take unto himself a wife, and the Law decrees the need of man for woman. But not every kind of wood is fit to make an arrow, and not every woman makes a suitable wife.
1. Base of novel El Fili identified the following exp.
2.1) Rizal message in the novel
* That the present system of government in the Philippines through corrupt officials, dominated by the friars can lead to the downfall of Spain. This point was stressed by Simoun in the novel, when he said, "What is a man to do when he is denied justice? Take the law into his own hands or wait for Spain to give him rights…" From the foregoing, Rizal was very certain that because of the nature and operation of the government, those who are intelligent, generous, hard-working, courageous and loyal citizens were driven into opposition, crime and