At this stage of my studies, my academic progress has been maintained at a high standard having attended almost every single class assigned. With each class I attend, I try to remain focused with an open mind willing to learn. These classes, focusing on various technical aspects within varying art forms, have provided me the necessary tools and lines of thinking to develop my artistic practice. My practice has been given the chance to develop through challenging assessments assigned to me. My critical thinking, …show more content…
These goals specifically include my desire to further my knowledge of both my own and other cultures. By expanding my understanding of other cultures and applying the knowledge I have learnt I wish to apply this knowledge and with great respect utilise various aspects of other cultures. By including these aspects, I hope to intertwine them within my own art practice to not only create art but also present the potential to create a relationship where the cooperation of varying cultures is present. Another goal that I aim to achieve is to also further my education to become qualified as a High School teacher. The reasoning for this goal lies from my own schooling experiences where my Visual Arts teacher encouraged us to embrace art and present the way art can influence the lives of others. I too, wish to mould the minds of future generations like my predecessors using the knowledge that I have gained at my time at the University of Sydney. In so doing, they shall also be challenged and utilise this knowledge in their own practices to create art and develop critical skills that they may use to solve problems in their future