David Oh
“A picture is worth a thousand words...” “The guns and the bombs, the rockets and the warships, are all symbols of human failure.”
-Lyndon B. Johnson
“The wrath of Mother
Nature, is truly beyond belief. For when she 's done, she brings a lot of grief.
-Audrey Heller
“War does not determine who is right - only who is left. -Bertrand Russell
We don 't need holy wars.
What we need is tolerance and brotherhood and simple humanity.” -Arlen Specter
Visual Communication
In today’s modern age of multimedia and mass communication, visual communication can be more powerful than written or verbal communication. Agenda
1. Purpose
2. Placement
3. Guidelines
1. Purpose of Integrating Images
Argumentative evidence
Enhance effectiveness
Set the mood
To captivate
Facilitate connections
2. Importance of Placement
visual texts into your document design in a rhetorically effective manner
Title page
Inside context
3. Guidelines for Using Visuals
Use quality images
Place images near relevant text
Use borders
Text Wrapping
Guidelines for Using Visuals
Visuals need to be connected to the argument
“Shown in the image above...”
“(See Figure 5.1)”
Just like words quoted, visual materials need your interpretation for readers to view it your Guidelines for Captioning
Label captions
Reiterate the connection
Should be concise, but not do the work of the text
Give credit and cite images
Figure 1. Jonathan Blunk 's wife, Chantel pauses on the tarmac at Denver International Airport before boarding the same plane as her husband 's body. He was one of the many victims of the
Aurora movie theater shooting. A faint rainbow appears over the hearse. © RJ Sangosti. Denver,
Figure 2. A post-apocalyptic aerial view of the Jet Star Rollercoaster in the aftermath of
Hurricane Sandy. A true testament to the destructive power
Cited: "Welcome to the Purdue OWL." The Purdue OWL: Academic Writing. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. <https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/se ction/1/2/>. The End