Since koalas have a very low calorie diet, they save all their energy by taking very slow movements and spending most of their time sleeping.…
The Cherry Koala Sleep Tones Sound Therapy Machine is a versatile device that will help you achieve a restful…
Hibernation is one of the main adjustments that allow certain northern animals to survive in long winters, cold winters. Hibernation is like a very deep sleep that allows animals to save their energy when there is little or no food available. The body functions of ‘true hibernators’ go through several changes while they are hibernating. The body temperature drops and the heart rate slows down. True hibernators include the jumping mouse, little brown bat, eastern chipmunk and several ground squirrels. Other animals such as the skunk and raccoon are not considered true hibernators as they wake up in the winter and their body functions do not change…
Update on the new Duke Primate Center website: Hold your cursor on 'Animals' in the horizontal banner and then choose 'Diurnal' or 'Nocturnal' to click on. Then, click on an animal species of your choice. May I suggest the Northern Giant Mouse Lemur? Scroll all the way down and view the slide show of pictures. Super cute!! Then, read above about Feeding, Reproduction, Social Behavior, etc.....…
I am writing this report to show information and to show how the Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat survives in an Environment and Ecosystem. During this report, I will be discussing information about The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat (Lasiorhinus Krefftii) and its habitat, its ecosystem in which it lives, its life cycle, a food chain and food web to show what it eats to survive and also why it is a critically endangered Animal. I will also be describing information on its diet and it’s Behaviour.…
After the tragic accident, Andy isn't treated well by the people not close to him at school. Some people don’t talk to him, others make rude comments. There are even some who won’t even look at him in the halls. Everyone has the right to express their own opinion; however, they should look at the situation more carefully before judging. It was Andy’s fault because he should not have been drinking and driving but, it was not intentional for Rob to die.…
The Kangaroo is an endotherm. Endotherms generate heat from their body's metabolism. So their internal body temperature is independent of the external temperature. Endotherms eat more food than ectotherms. This higher food intake results in an increased level of metabolism, which is required to produce heat.…
Some Australian marsupials have evolved to utilise torpor as an effective survival strategy by reducing water loss and energy expenditure in the harsh arid zones in Australia where food and water are often in short supply (Geiser, 2004).…
Hodgon J. (1996) Behaviour and Diet of the Barking Owl Ninox connivens in South-eastern Queensland, Australian Bird Watcher 1996, Vol.16 (8), 332-338…
For eating kangaroos are autotroph and they have chambered stomachs similar to those of cattle and sheep They regurgitate the vegetation they have eaten, chew it as cud , and then swallow it again for final digestion. Because of its grazing, kangaroos have developed specialised teeth. Its incisors are able to crop grass close to the ground, and its molars chop and grind the grass.…
Baz Luhrmann transformed William Shakespeare's play of Romeo and Juliet, to a fast moving, modern adaptation, the film Romeo + Juliet. Luhrmann has transformed the context, setting, costume, music, language and the themes in Romeo and Juliet. Although Luhrmann has transformed some things, he has redefined the love story gone wrong and made a film about the corruption in society. Luhrmann has transformed the original Shakespeare play using various film techniques and language devices, such as in the prologue, and the ballroom scene. He appropriated the text to fit into the world of love and violence that Luhrmann has created.…
Tigers maintain homeostasis just like humans and many other mammals do. When they get tired they pant and sweat. They can help this by drinking more water.…
Effect of Temperature on Cricket Respiration Crickets are ectotherms that rely on their environment as a source of heat for their metabolism. Warmer temperatures allow crickets to respire at a greater rate.…
This phenotype helps overcome the environmental pressures of predators, competition for food and extreme heat as they avoid most predators and competitors at night and are better camouflaged. The night activity allows them to endure cool temperatures, preserving water as opposed to the day’s heat. Furthermore, Petaurus breviceps are able to semi-hibernate or torpor for 16 hours daily. The behavioural adaptation helps the Sugar Glider deal with the environmental pressure of predators, disease, climate change and the scarcity of food as it conserves energy. This is an advantageous trait as it provides the Glider with more energy to collect food without being vulnerable to predators. Gliders may develop the diseases such as nutritional osteodystrophy due to poor nutrition, hence torpor aids its…
Figure 14-2. West Africa: natural forest and plantation areas 2000 and net area change 1990-2000…