Vitamin C seemed to be the solution for most of the terrible illnesses listed above. However, these symptoms occur due to lack in Vitamin C in the body. Hence, it is not the case that Vitamin C is the solution to some of the terrible illnesses listed above when these illnesses themselves are due to deficiency of dietary Vitamin C. This thus led to peoples’ illusion of Vitamin C being a “miracle” in alleviating some of the threats to human health when in truth those threats can be deterred by having sufficient dietary intake of vitamin …show more content…
Furthermore, scurvy was a common disease then as stated by Lester Packer in his book ‘Vitamin C in Health and Disease’ that “during the depression years of the 1930s, many cases of scurvy were observed, particularly in large cities. This was the result of poor housing, insufficient food and lack of sources of Vitamin C in the diet”. Due to sources of Vitamin C from food being rare then, there was desperation in finding the formula for synthetic Vitamin C. With the invention of synthetic Vitamin C came the thought of the endless possibilities of Vitamin C. Thus, due to such advancement in technology back in the day, opponents see the advent of synthetic Vitamin C as a remarkable