Dr. Posner treats Vivian like a science experiment even talking about how awesome cancer is but that he wants to get into research and not waste his time with the patient care side. Both Dr. Kelekian and Dr. Posner throughout the movie keep saying that Vivian is strong implying that the rounds of harsh chemotherapy are not going to affect her negatively. They do not even consider reducing the dose when the nurse makes the suggestion. When the group of Doctors come into Vivian’s room during rounds, their only focus is themselves while Vivian is just lying there not being spoken to. They all palpate her stomach without asking and her gown is left up when they leave the room. Vivian herself recognizes the lack of care from her doctors when she states that she knows they will be pleased about her completing the chemotherapy only for the reason of the recognition they will get from
Dr. Posner treats Vivian like a science experiment even talking about how awesome cancer is but that he wants to get into research and not waste his time with the patient care side. Both Dr. Kelekian and Dr. Posner throughout the movie keep saying that Vivian is strong implying that the rounds of harsh chemotherapy are not going to affect her negatively. They do not even consider reducing the dose when the nurse makes the suggestion. When the group of Doctors come into Vivian’s room during rounds, their only focus is themselves while Vivian is just lying there not being spoken to. They all palpate her stomach without asking and her gown is left up when they leave the room. Vivian herself recognizes the lack of care from her doctors when she states that she knows they will be pleased about her completing the chemotherapy only for the reason of the recognition they will get from