1. Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people and environments that meet or exceed expectations of customers and helps produce superior value.
2. TQM (Total Quality Management) approach of doing business that attempts to maximize organizations competitiveness through the continual improvement of people, processes, products, services, and environments.
3. Key elements of TQ:
Strategically based –having a comprehensive strategy plan
Customer focus-the customer is the driver
Obsession with quality-the organization must become obsessed with meeting or exceeding customer defined quality
Scientific approach- organization uses scientific approach in structuring work, making decisions, and solving problems
Long term commitment-needed for success
Teamwork-best environment for keeping focused on improved quality.
Continual process improvement-products are developed and services delivered by people using processes within the environment to continually improve.
Education and training-workers learn to work smarter, best way to improve people on a continuous basis.
Freedom through control- involving and empowering employees, increase participation in decision making process and employee ownership.
Unity of purpose- internal politics have no place in a total quality organization, labor and management must collaborate.
4. The rationale for the total quality approach is found in the need to compete in the global marketplace. Countries that successfully compete in the gm are seeing quality of living improve.
5. Deming:
14 points: continually improve, adopt new philosophy, achieve quality instead of inspecting, award quality instead of cheapness, on the job training, leadership to help people work better, drive out fear, break down communication barriers and use team work, eliminate slogans, targets and exhortations, eliminate quotas, remove barriers, educate and self-improve, make