Natural Selection by Charles Darwin
Part A – Vocabulary
Divergence – Characters that are dissimilar in environments that are not alike
Methodical – being careful and working in a very organized way
Horticulturist- the art of growing vegetables, fruits, or different …show more content…
Indomitable - cannot defeat or discourage
Bantam- someone who is of diminutive stature
Contrivance - a piece of equipment that is made with skill
Perpetuity - to continue for a very long time
Endemic- existing in a particular place or certain field
Genera- animals or plants that are of many different species
Supplant - taking place of something that is no longer useful .
Part B
Charles Darwin, Born February 12, 1809, in the Mount, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Darwin was best known for work on evolutionary theory, and in 1859 published his book call On the Origin of Species, which challenged and rejected concepts of evolution. Darwin, study, and investigation gave scientific explanation through Natural variations in nature and animals and the natural world.
Darwin named his theory Natural Selection because it differs then Man’s selection, whereas Natural Selection explains the grouping of all living organisms.
Unnatural Section or artificial selection occurs when man intervene such as insemination or creation of something that is not naturally done by nature, Natural selection is an natural variations that accrue in each individual of the same species, favorable circumstances naturally create complex change that adapts and survive over a period of time these changes occur of time and can be witnessed through nature.
Some species thrive while other from the same place become extinct because, over a period of time, species adapt or find new ways to adapt example will be environment changes or internal changes that process its survival in nature.
Diversity is mean (having a variety) with a group of people, places, and things can have diversity, The human race has diversity with different ethnic backgrounds, and Plants have diversity in its many different kinds of plants.
Diversity determines who survives because with diversity one is able to become adaptable to the environment in cases of change whereas if no diversity you become unacceptable to change and you have less chance of …show more content…
New species evolve over a period of time when they are separated from a particular group. When these changes occur over a period of time they evolve into new species.
Evolution should not be confused with the survival of the fittest because evolution is a natural occurrence that happens with in-group or an individual over a period of time and is passed on offspring. With the survival of the fittest, it does not contribute to natural selection process fittest says it is an unnatural selection and that survival can only occur not naturally but what is selected rather than that is natural in order to survive.
Darwin’s theory relates to employment because, as humans, we only tend to enjoy or like doing what we come naturally to us.
And over a period of time, we because skillfully employed at what we do.
Darwin theory relates to business and economics by showing of groups evolve and function as a society which changed through diversity on an economic level through cultural and business environments.
An example of how remaining Static can decrease chance of survival would be the study that show inmates that have been in prison for a long period of time 20 years or more would have fewer chances of survival in society, whereas individual that are not in prison for a long period of type remained dynamic with the rapid changing environment they are used to diversity and can adapt to change.
A static economy is unhealthy because it remain that same it is unchanged and consumer like diversity if the economy remains static people, would not have options and chance of evolving or change, even survival decrease.
A dynamic environment would change both by creating diversity, followed by evolution which in turn would create
Climate has changed over the centuries, and will continue to change naturally over a period of time. Another key factor that contributes to climate change is human and how we treat the environment speeds up climate change