Background of study
-background of my topic
-what employability is
-malaysia context
-relation of English competency with employability
-cite who was doing research anchoring this study outside Malaysia
-cite () inside Malaysia
In the new landscape of global employment, most business organizations require employees to possess not only industry-specific technical knowledge but also employability skills. Employability skills are attributes other than industry-specific technical knowledge which contribute to effective and successful participation in the workplace. The attributes of employability skills are including communication, critical and problem solving interpersonal, leadership, team work and honesty, dependability and adaptability skills.
As global world are using English language as its language of business, lack of English language proficiency has often been cited as one of the major factors contributing to graduate unemployment. (Sharif, 2005). Jawhar (2002) stated that in the private sector, graduates are becoming unemployable as a result of lack of proficiency in the English language. Various surveys have been carried out on employers in relevant industries to measure whether graduates are meeting industry needs and the recurring theme that emerged from these surveys has been the lack of English language skills among fresh graduates and workers (MoHE, 2008; Sibat, 2005). In generally, these studies implied that the majority of graduates and workers were limited users of English especially in writing and speaking.
Problem statement
As we are living in a competitive world now, we can’t deny the fact that we have to do what it takes to survive. Thus, as students they have to have good communication skills in particular they should be able to communicate well in English since it is an international language. English is used extensively in news and information, business, diplomacy, professions, travel and also entertainment (Kenji Kitao, 2006). One of the criteria needed by companies from their employees is the ability to communicate well especially in English. Based on a research done by Wan Irham, Shafinah & Azhari (2007) on the current needs of the R&D department in the Kedah industrial sectors, they find that the R&D department administrators stated that they look for candidates who have the abilities to generate and express ideas verbally in English (90%), to give presentations using English (90%), to write report in English (60%), to speak English fluently (60%), to have a good command of English language grammar (30%) and to have persuasive skills in English language (30%). The findings show us that it is a need for graduates now to master the language as it is used world-wide. Though there are varies of studies done regarding the issue of importance of employability skills among Malaysian graduates, those studies are not really focusing solely on the significance of English mastery.
Thus, the main objective of this study was to investigate the importance for graduates’ English language competency for employment purposes.
-purpose of this study
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