In this report I have focused on Vogue magazine. Vogue is a product from the magazine publisher Conde Nast which publishes magazines including Glamour, GQ and Vanity Fair.
Vogue is an American fashion magazine and was founded in 1892. The current editor of American Edition is Anna Wintour.
The purpose of this report is to recommend a marketing communications campaign focused on the Digital Edition of the magazine in order to increase sales and reduce costs. In order to do that, we will conduct a SOSTAC composed of Situation Analysis, set Objectives, promotional Strategies, Tactics, Implementation and Control. .
2. Context/situation analysis
The context analysis is a study of what my company and brand is doing now, in order to find out information to set the objectives, strategies and tactics. A context analysis within a marketing communications plan is vital to understand the key market and communication drivers that are likely to influence a brand. (Fill, 2009)
The main elements of a context analysis are divided into four.
The customer context
Vogue targets women between the ages of 25 to 54. The characteristics of VOGUE's customers are: smart, stylish and sophisticated females. The main persuit of the lifestyles customers are luxury, exclusivity, design, uniqueness.
Every magazine has an specific audience which they target through the typography and the colours they use, the different brands models wear and the sections they have within the magazine. All of these aspects of the magazine aim to represent the lifestyle and ideology of the target market. This is the reason why you can only see luxury brands in VOGUE and a jacket could cost £2500.
VOGUE's target market is looking for the lastest fashion trends. Their target market is divided into two groups. The first group are professional, successful and rich women who are interested in purchasing luxury products. The second group are young women 25-30 years old who love fashion. This