8045 Abdulaziz Nahdi
Dhahran, Eastern Province 34719
Saud@Al-dugaimi.us | +966549374958
October 10, 2014
Jimmy W, Customer Service Representative, Apple.com Inc.
Jimmy@Apple.com | +7392-649-648
6394 8th Avenue East | Suite 6394
Seattle, MA 64936-7453
Dear Jimmy,
I hope that the message reaches to”50” whom it may concern.I request your iPad 4 32 GB and iPhone 5 device 16 giga electron across your site http://www.apple.com/us.No. Demand 5364783-635429-645 in September 14, 2014.Gander access request 26 days. Delayed device access and error occurred in your website where site stopped working for some maintenance operations I”100” was not to my request under review. Device has been received successfully, but got there is a problem in the application where the device specifications were quite different. I received a form iPad 16 GB, and your iPhone 5 32 GB while I paid the full amount of your”150” iPad 4 32 GB and iPhone 5 16 GB. IPad price was $ 850 while the price of the iPhone $ 600. I went yesterday I send two devices with different specifications that I did not want iPhone 5 16 GB iPad 32 devices through Fedex Company I have”200” enclosed a copy of my purchase order with this e-mail, clearly demonstrating the correct specifications for Devices-ordered with the amount of money I billed. I ask the exchange with the model and specifications stated in the purchase order. If there is any request or something you forget I would like “250” to give me health information or the correct way to work. I ask reply to my message to confirm the arrival of the message correctly. I ask give me the time it takes to address this problem to my urgent need for two devices as soon as possible.
Sincerely yours, “300”
Saud Al-dugaimi