English 101
Lisa Barrick
Feburary 6, 2017
Volibear: The Thunder's Roar By: John Caldwell
Volibear is a playable Polar Bear champion in the popular MOBA(Multiplayer online battle arena) game known as LoL(League of Legends). Volibear primary role is Fighter(Style) while his secondary role is Tank(Style). He mostly played in the Top Lane(Roles) and Jungle(Roles) in LoL. Volibear has one passive and four abilities that he uses to fight against champions on the battlefield of Summoner Rift(Battlefield). Volibear passive is called Chosen of the Storm, if his health hits critical level he rapidly heals himself for a few seconds. Volibear first ability is called Rolling Thunder, he drops on all fours and runs at nearby champion and flips the first champion he attacks behind him. Volibear second ability is called Frenzy, he repeatedly attacked three times, so he can perform a vicious bite to a champion. Volibear third ability is called Majestic Roar, he lets out a powerful roar that slows and damages nearby champions. Volibear fourth and final ability is called Thunder Claws, he erupts in a chain attack of lightning, damaging nearby champions. Volibear has five skins he can use in battle. First skin is called …show more content…
Playing Volibear, lead the charge by activating Rolling Thunder and slow champions with Majectic Roar. Volibear benefits greatly from additional health and cooldown. You want to attack three time in rapid succession so you can activate Frenzy and having the toughness to survive for a long time to get the victory. Against Volibear gain great movement speed while chasing champion, but he gains less movement speed while running away. He does regenerates a large amount of health when he gets to critical health. Stunning or slowing him when he tries to charge will greatly hurt him. Now that we know his abilities and his play-style let go into his