The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators identifies voluntary nurse turnovers as one of the indicators impacting nursing care. This data base was established by the American Nurses Association to improve quality and safety in the workplace. The data collected helps provide research and compares the data to the impact it has on nurses providing care and the outcomes it has on patients. Nurse turnovers occur for many different reasons and seem to come in waves depending on what the nurses reasoning is. Many patient care facilities worldwide experience issues with nurse turnover rates fluctuating up and down. No one solution has been derived when it comes …show more content…
For example I worked in a rather small hospital that only had 5 official labor and delivery rooms. The amount of deliveries being performed on a daily bases with only the minimal amount of staff proved to be very difficult to give the quality care needed, especially to a first time mother with no support. The amount of time it takes to teach a mother how to breast feed for the first time, how to care for herself after a vaginal delivery, and how to care for the infant is very time consuming to say the least. When 2 or 3 patients like that all need the one-on-one care like described above this is where the problems begin, because of the inadequate staff. Furthering my example in regards to safety, caring for the patients in labor and delivery can truly become perplexed. When a patient is given Magnesium Sulfate to help with the resolve of pre-term labor and another given Oxytocin in the management of inducing uterine contractions trying to manage both patients with high alert medications can be simply dangerous. Trying to perform all tasks day after day on a 12 hour shift, nurses get burnt out. Being burnt out leading to one of the many reasons why some of nurses end up leaving their jobs and contributing to nurse …show more content…
This will allow the employee to feel like they have received a good overview of the job duties and expectations. Building relationships with nursing schools and formulating a nurse resident program would allow nurses in the program to be monitored throughout their clinical experience assessing their clinical performance, implementing new hire support programs allowing the employee to have a non- supervisor “ buddy ” to come to and speak freely without intimidation or repercussions (John Commins, Health Leaders Media, February 7,