123 Speedway #2
Austin, TX 78704
Date Mr. Ted Quinn
Nonprofit Agency Name
Street Address
Austin, TX 78728 Dear Mr. Quinn: Our team enjoyed meeting with you last week and, as discussed, submit this proposed action plan for your review. We are excited about this opportunity to help Nonprofit Agency improve volunteer productivity. Background
On [date], we met and discussed the recent turnover of volunteers in your San Antonio region and your recent acquisition of the Corpus Christi/South Texas region. We also discussed your growing concerns regarding your volunteer training and retention practices, which are impacting volunteer productivity. Improving volunteer productivity by improving volunteer …show more content…
You also recently "rehired" a volunteer who was previously with you for three years. You have two new volunteers in your San Antonio region, and have not yet started seeking volunteers in Corpus Christi. Your volunteer recruitment practices include a standard newspaper advertisement and personal interview. You offer a half-day training session for all volunteers. In that half-day training you also provide literature about your agency and a 3-page "volunteer handbook." Goals/Objectives
Our goal will be to develop a plan and present you with a number of recommendations to improve volunteer satisfaction with training by 50% and your volunteer retention by 20% within the next year. This plan will be accomplished through the following steps: 1. An analysis of the current volunteer retention practices
2. An analysis volunteer retention practices of other non-profit agencies
3. A survey of current and past volunteers about effectiveness of volunteer training, handbook, etc.
4. An evaluation of your one-half day training session and the training handbook
5. A survey of past volunteers to identify reasons for decreased participation