Do you agree with the concept that every American should be required to cast a ballot? Why or why not? I both agree and disagree. I agree because I am sick of hearing the complaints of how this President or that representative has ruined the country. If everyone were required to vote then they would be responsible for the person they elected into office and for the outcome of that person’s time spent in office. I disagree because this country was founded on the basis of a free society. Moreover, to require people to vote takes away a freedom, however small it may be.…
Voting is a duty that must be fulfilled by every citizen at some point in their lives. Voting gives the citizens of the U.S. a chance to express themselves through an anonymous voice. There are a few restrictions on voting, which include age, citizenship, and in some states weather you’re a convicted felon. I believe that it is unfair that some states make it so felons can’t vote. I really believe felons should be allowed to vote simply because everyone makes mistakes, and some felons have to rejoin society eventually.…
One reason why it is important to vote is because if nobody voted then we wouldn’t be able to have a democracy type government. We wouldn’t be able to have a president and we wouldn’t be able to have any say in what happens in our government.…
One reason why Americans should be required to vote is because the people have to decide whom their leader is going to be. Evidence supporting this reason is that in FindLaw’s Writ, John W. Dean states that “voting is the least a citizen can do for his or her country, and is not unreasonable to ask of a citizen to do this minimal thing.” This evidence helps explains why Americans should be required to vote because it shows that Americans should take voting as a civic duty like some other citizens do when they vote.…
Voting is a privilege and is a responsibility as an American citizen.More individuals should appreciate that they are allowed to have their voices heard.Americans take our right to vote for granted,they don't realize what a privilege it is to be an American . The participation in voting has hit rock bottom. There are various of reason why not everyone is contributing to their part. Some individuals aren't educated enough about the candidates. Other believe their vote won't affect the election and many have the same mentality and when nobody knows “what if” everyone participated would we have a different top-dog. But instead we leave it to our neighbor to go vote and is a repeated chain.But there…
The right to vote is fundamental in a democratic society, our forefathers intended it to be this way. The ability to choose the politicians who run our government is the very principle that this nation was founded on. During this election year, more and more people are being urged to vote. This raises the question of whether those people are exercising their civil liberty or taking advantage of a privilege. Though some may consider it the latter, voting is a guaranteed right because it is directly promised to us by the constitution and further reinforced by state law.…
In this great nation, we are given the power of choice through a democracy. Whether that choice be for our next president, congressman, state representative, and in some states judges, our voices are heard through a vote we cast on a ballot. Not only does our vote determine how our government will continue to run, it can change the way we live our lives. When it comes to judges, however, the process can go one of three ways. They are either appointed by an executive member of the state, which must be approved by the state senate, they can go through a retention election, or they can run in an election like other officials run for office. With that knowledge, some people believe that judges should only be appointed, while others believe that…
Every Election Day some American citizens go vote because they have the freedom and right to vote for who they believe should win. While, some citizens do not take advantage of their right to vote for reasons that may be understandable or they just choose not to. Those that do not vote could make a difference for their town, county, state, and country. Americans could form a petition or send a bill through America’s government that states that all Americans are required to vote. All American citizens should be required to vote because a record can be kept and observed on the population, because some citizens do not take the effort to go vote, and because voting is a part of America’s freedom and their voices should be heard.…
In order for Americans to not lose their right to vote we need to be able to show that being apart of making the decisions for our country is important to us. Being able to vote on the decisions our country makes is a privilege that we have that the rest of the world may not. As I talk to my peers they seem to know less and less about the current election that is going on, when the reality is that some of them will be old enough to vote for it in the next couple of months. Sure they know who Donald Trump and Ben Carson are but most of them do not know what the candidates views are or who any of the other candidates are. Most do not understand politics at all, are not sure of their views, do not know which party they stand for or how…
Voting in America is difficult. There are many obstacles the potential voter has to run through in order to have their voice heard, and even, their candidate of choice may not win. They have to struggle with paperwork to get registered to vote, which also registers them for the eligible list of candidates for the jury pool, a task nobody wants anything to do with. Then after the hard paperwork and jury duty comes Election Day. The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, which leads to great confusion as to what day the elections are on. Even worse are the municipal elections which vary from town to town, and county to county, leaving masses of voters confused as to what day they have to go out and make their voices heard.…
Voting is a right we, as the United States, was granted. Not all countries have enough rights to vote. So another reason citizens should vote is because we are lucky enough to get to vote. Our country has gained many freedoms over…
Each citizen in most countries have the right to vote. To best vote, a citizen should throughly educate themselves on the complete issue of the ballet ticket. Which includes political parties, politicians, and legislature. The new generation who is becoming adults now, will be the future america. Therefore each person should educate themselves or be educated.…
In the United States of America, we consider voting to be an obvious right that everyone deserves. It is a part of our lifestyle and crucial in our government. Despite its importance, voting is not mandatory for American citizens. Only after becoming a registered voter, any United States citizen over the age of 18 can cast their ballot for who they want in positions of power within the government. Those who want to vote are able to, and several accommodations are provided for people who find themselves incapable of making it to the polls on Election Day. Without voters, our government would be unable to function properly. Compulsory voting should be put into effect in the United States, because over public awareness of politics would increase, the power of separate political parties will decrease, and the election results will reflect the public’s true opinion.…
The essay shows me that voting in the United States is something that many people take for granted. Many of those individuals today are young adults that don’t find the need to vote. Most of them either bandwagon a majority of the time or don’t vote at all. I believe that everybody should be an informed voter. People should vote for a candidate that they both have the same views on topics and is also going to create jobs and continue to improve the…
As Americans we sure do love our freedom. We want a say in everything, especially…