Statement of intent: I am writing this to inform readers about why the voting age should increase to twenty one from eighteen which it is currently in New Zealand. Eighteen year olds don’t have the knowledge needed and I want readers to understand that an eighteen year old isn’t experienced enough to be able to make informed decisions about who should run our country.
Are you under twenty one and reading this? I highly doubt it. This is because the majority people under the age of twenty one don’t know enough about the government and politics to care. Although many countries including Australia, USA, United Kingdom and Canada has the voting age at eighteen, I don’t think enough people of this age are ready to vote. I believe the voting age in New Zealand should be increased from eighteen to twenty one. There are many reasons for this; eighteen year olds are not mature enough, they do not have enough experience, may not vote for the right reasons and parents could influence them to vote for who they want.
During the Vietnam war people fought for the right to vote at eighteen. The young people argued that if eighteen year olds were mature enough to fight in wars then they were old and mature enough to have a say in electing their countries government. Many politicians at the time agreed that it would be better if young people channeled their energies into politics rather than protest on the streets. Between 1969 and 1974 the voting age was lowered to eighteen in Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries. New Zealand reduced the age in two steps, to twenty in 1969 and then to eighteen in 1974.
Firstly I don’t believe you are mature enough to vote for who runs your country at the age of eighteen in this day and age. I’m not saying every single eighteen year old isn’t mature enough but a large majority aren’t. Most people today at that age are out partying and drinking every weekend not