Viviana Torres
November 25. 2012
Lasonya Uehlin
Vulnerable Areas of Industrial Security Operations
In the transportation industry such as airport, train, or ships there are many vulnerabilities that can be faced if security measures are not foreseen. These industries can be victims of sabotage, espionage, or lack of security process which would result in the industry loss of product. Sabotage such as terrorism will exist in transportation industries if the operations of the merchandise are not carried out to protocol. Espionage from competitor transportation industries can leak the company’s operations and be a risk for theft. Employee theft can be just as detrimental to the industry as outside theft. Some of the vulnerabilities and countermeasure will be mentioned in this review of different transportation industries.
Sabotage can be issues related to terrorism in the sense that terrorist want to harm for political reasons or for profit (PWC, 2011). Sabotage can also be from competitors or employees not even realizing they contributed to sabotaging the process of transportation. According to California Highway Patrol Commercial Industry Education Program (n.d.) “having a security plan in place will ensure your cargo reaches its destination safely, safe lives, avoid possible law suits, and prevent any accidental or intentional acts that could have serious consequences (page 4). To be aware of your surroundings will help prevent the threat of sabotage for transportation industries. Another way to avoid sabotage is to ensure workers are never alone. When employees are opening or closing the business there should always be more than one person with them to prevent an incident that would be harder to control if left alone (Hospitality 2008). Most industry losses occur due to lack of employee attention to their environment, which can lead to potential threats and espionage (Hospitality, 2008).