Direct participation with vulnerable populations often causes students to develop a better understanding of self and their own strengths and weaknesses. Students develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, and ethical decision-making. An increased sense of civic responsibility, increased political and global awareness, and development of cultural competence may also be outcomes (Mueller & Norton, 1998) developed the Perceived Stress Scale (PSQ) to assess stressful situations and stress reactions on a mainly cognitive degree emotional level. With regard to stressors, the aim was to assess the subjective experience of their quality as stressful.
The first assessment tool that I looked at was the Perceived Stress Scale, in the revised stress measure “Hassles and Uplifts Scale,” students see both an environmental and an appraisal measure of stress, because the PSQ assesses not only if a hassle occurs but the perception of the severity or intensity of the stressor. Ten years ago, Levenstein, published the “Perceived Stress Questionnaire” (PSQ), which measured the stress by putting the focus on the individual’s subjective perception and emotional response, mainly cognitive and some degree to emotional level. The aim is to assess the subjective experience of patients’ quality as stressful Levenstein (1993). This tool has 30 questions that ask the patient how many times experiences of stress have occurred with a period of one month. The tool evaluates the patient’s perceived coping, control overload, unmanageable and unpredictable situations. A total score is then given. There was a lengthy examination and the population was a range of ages from 20 through 80 years of age. All scales showed different results between patients and healthy adults. This study showed how stress affects different age groups and patients, healthy, and ill the stressors where specific for each person at the time. Healthy
References: American Psychiatric Associates, (1994). Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, D. C.: Author. Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., Brown, G. K., (1996). Manual for Beck Depression Inventory II. San Antonio, Texas: The Psychological Corporation. Docstock (2010). Retrieved from Evanston, S., Prantera, C., Varvo, V., Scribano, M. L., Berto, E., Luzi, C., Andreoli, A., (1993). Development of the Perceived Stress Questionnaire: a new tool for psychosomatic research. Fliege PhD, H., Rose M. D., M., Arck M. D., P., Walter M. D., O., Kocalevent M. A., R., Weber M. D., C., Klapp M. D. PhD., B., (2005). The Perceived Stress Questionnaire Reconsidered Validation and Reference Values from Different Clinical and Healthy Adult Samples. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 78-88. Mueller, C., Norton, B., & Billing, D. M., Halstead, J., (1998). Service learning: Developing values and social responsibility, teaching in nursing education. Philadelphia, P. A.: Saunder. Newman, J. P. (2007). Mini Mental Status Examination and the Addenbrooke 's Cognitive Examination: Effect of education and norms for a multicultural population Ring, M. E. (2009). Reiki and Changes in Pattern Manifestations. Nursing Science Quarterly, 22(3), 250 – 258.