communicated to the teachers of our district. Teachers who are proactive will take the criticism with a grain of salt, but some teachers see this pressure as a personal attack. One of the basic steps for exercising political influence is identifying relationships in an organization.
(Bolman & Deal, 2013). In the educational setting the administrators have the most authority on campus, what they say is held to be the best method to get the job done. They have authoritative power over everyone in the school. The department coordinators have a sense of authority, because they are directly below the principals in the chain of command. If there are issues in the department teachers should go the department coordinator first before going to the principal. The teachers are responsible for facilitating the goals or plans of the administrators and coordinators. All entities have to work together to make the organization function
properly. School funding is an episode that may have a political conflict in education. The aim of school funding is trying to allocate funds equally, but it falls short. The board of trustees and superintendent are responsible for making sure all schools in the district are equally equipped for all students. My district is very large and has high and low socio-economic areas. Teaching at the newest middle school in a high socio-economic area, I have access to all types of technology and educational supplements. I have heard from teachers at other schools, specifically the lower socio-economic schools, that technology is scarce and is not being implemented properly. The district is currently trying to get technology to these schools, but it is a very slow process. The goal of the district is to try disperse the funding across all campuses, but it still seems the older schools are not as advanced as the newer schools. It is understandable for schools of other districts to have different funding from each other. When schools in the same district to have such a difference in budget and equipment allocation it doesn’t seem in the best interest of all of its students.