It's inevitable.
War doesn't fix everything. It can fill the void for some people, people that want to stand tall and address the duty of fighting for their country. But for others, it can simply empty it, destroy everything they've ever
1Includes only losses in ground combat. I have not been able to find separate figures for naval and air losses in the war against Japan.…
As someone who has lived in Cumberland House, Saskatchewan and Terrace, British Columbia, this wasn't my first Pow Wow. I will say I don't remember going to any in Cumberland House as I was only two when we lived there, but I there are quite a few funny pictures of me, a chubby blond haired blue eyed baby in my pink jacket sitting among all the brown skinned, brown eyed, and black haired Native babies. I do however remember going to Pow Wows in Terrace. These two places are very different from each other, the Costal peoples having very different traditions from the Plains peoples.…
The irony in “How to Tell a True War Story” by Tim O’Brien is that in the first line O’Brien says that “This is true” (340). And goes into the story of his friend Rat writing a letter to the sister of his friend who recently died. Then goes into how to tell a good war story and proceeds to tell his own experience with Rat Kiley and his friend Lemon. But in the end he says “All you can do is tell it one more time, patiently, adding and subtracting, making up a few things to get the real truth” (349).…
War brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery, disease and starvation, poverty and ruin in its wake. Although war may not always be the first answer or the most beneficial, it is an inescapable evil because war has brought the world peace and prosperity while banding people together to fight for a cause. It leads to national growth and solves domestic problems between countries; Injustice and tyranny can be quelled as the aftereffect of war. On the contrary, war includes loss of human life, spreads of diseases, and induces a feeling of anxiety and dismay among communities. The brutal sacrifices that innocent people undergo may not be worth the outcome.…
How do you decide what is true and what is false? In war the line blurs even more. We hear war stories and wonder about the truth of these stories. We love to believe the stories of heroism and bravery. Now how do we know that these stories are real and not created propaganda? The Things They Carried by Tim O?Brien is a fiction book that shines some light on war stories. This complex book focuses on a complex war. The Vietnam War was complex for the reasons surrounding it. Some of the reasons were; the question why we were over there, governments that told half truths on what was going on, and the style of fighting was totally different compared to the past wars. This new style is called guerrilla warfare. O?Brien writes stories that make you…
The short story that will be discussed, evaluated, and analyzed in this paper is a very emotionally and morally challenging short story to read. Michael Meyer, author of the college text The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature, states that the author of How to Tell a True War Story, Tim O’Brien, “was drafted into the Vietnam War and received a Purple Heart” (472). His experiences from the Vietnam War have stayed with him, and he writes about them in this short story. The purpose of this literary analysis is to critically analyze this short story by explaining O’Brien’s writing techniques, by discussing his intended message and how it is displayed, by providing my own reaction, and by proposing why this story has withstood the test of time and is worthy of inclusion in an anthology.…
I am a “boot” adjusting to my new life in kilo company, and corporal has recently returned from a nasty deployment in iraq. He says that he is my father and that he knows what’s best. he kicks sand at me while i am timed to see how fast i can pick up all the yellow cigarette butts he dumped on the floor to “fix” my attention to detail and remind me of my ignorance, as he yells, “you are going to war soon, and I won’t be there to babysit you!” During the deployment workups in the states, we spent weeks patrolling, looking for something that we knew wasn’t real. Digging into defensive positions and waiting the night out for an enemy we knew would never come. Spending rainy nights in muddy holes, fearing what our leaders might do to us if we fell asleep. Firing machine guns, shooting rifles and launching grenades at little green targets…. All of it was just training ops.…
It’s cold. My feet are wet and everywhere I turn I see rats. Remember how excited and happy I was to enter into this war? Well, that changed once I stepped foot on these grounds. Remember when I kissed Angela on the forehead right before I left and I said, “I’ll be home soon to kiss you again.” Well, I think that was our last kiss. Remember how I said everything will be alright and I’ll be perfectly fine.” Well, I regret saying that. Remember how I said. “Its only a summer war mom. No need to be so worried. I’ll be back, right before Christmas eve.” Well, that turned into a lie. It’s disgusting. There’s not much to eat around here, so I eat lice and the rats that I can find. I haven’t taken a shower in over two weeks. I wish I was home right now wrapped up in that warm blanket you made me. These trenches they have us in are so small. It seems like everything around me is crammed up. Maybe it’s just me. You know how claustrophobic I get sometimes. It’s horrible here. Every day, every hour, one of the friends I had made here at this war is gone. Their bodies, lifeless and cold on these floors. No one cares to pick them up and move them. So they just lie there. As I walk past them I look at their faces. Roger Linopsy. That’s the last body I saw before I wrote this letter to you. Two kids and a wife back home. Well, he no longer has a home. He’s in heaven where the rest of my 184 friends I’ve made in this war are. Yes im keeping track. Every name, it’s written down on these few papers I have, because if I ever get out of this brutal war I want to tell their families myself that they passed on to a better life than what they were living. No family member deserves to hear that their loved one has passed away from someone that barely knew them. As I look around I see smoke coming from everywhere. I hear gun fires coming from everywhere. Yelling, screaming, and cries for help…
War is a horrible act that is fully capable of leaving scars on innocent people at horrifying scales, and can change how we see others just by the way that they were involved. War is capable of changing the perspective of entire societies.…
In the chapter “How to Tell a True War Story, by O’Brien , O’Brien tend to use a lot of surrealism throughout the soldier's stories. When the soldiers tell their story they tend to add things to it to make the story seem more fascinating to those listening to it, which leads to it having surrealism in it. However, that’s when people start to question if it’s actually true or not true , that’s an answer nobody really wants to know. O’Brien stats, “ A true war story is never moral.” It does not instruct nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior.”(65) The story basically tells itself , it will leaving one feeling some type of way at the end if true.…
I was marching knee deep in the mud of the trenches, hoping the war would cease, while knowing that that day would never come. Yet, when that day did come, I was reluctant to leave my post. Getting shipped back home, meant I could finally address the issues that I was ignoring. While I was in it for the long haul, I never allowed such thoughts to invade my fame of mind. I was so used to walking on egg shells that I had forgotten how to walk without worrying about possible land-mines under my soles. So, as the flood gates lowered, I realized that I was unable to enjoy the privilege of self pity. This part of my life was the trump card that made me fold, whether or not I had a convincing poker…
Andre Dubus’ “Killings” and Tim O’Brien’s “How to Tell a True War Story” both deal with violence and the moral ambiguity surrounding it, although the authors employ different approaches based on the emotional response they are trying to create in the reader. Because the stories are set in dissimilar environments, the way in which the authors depict violence is geared to the setting in which it occurs. However, the harmful effects of violence on the human psyche are portrayed in similar ways in both stories.…
After that day at the police station, he kept tabs on me so I knew his threat to kill me was something that was real. He followed me from a distance ; I had this fear that death was watching me but I knew I had to fight back because I knew justice in the courts won’t bring me peace especially with cops … A peace that I have only felt since the day I killed the man who killed me .…
As I eat breakfast at the kitchen table, I think about veterans and their families, being separated by millions of miles, never getting to enjoy a family meal together. I take a sip of my orange juice and ponder what it would be like without my family, never knowing if they are okay or what they have been up to. On this day, I don’t just think about myself I think about the lives of others. When I arrive at school and I embrace my parents and head off to my class, I wonder what it would be like not getting to experience this for weeks, months, and years at a time. I walk into the front doors of the school and turn around to glance at my parents through the car windows as they drive away. I think about the children having to witness this moment when their parents drive away, not just to go to work and live a normal life. They are going off into the unknown to fight in several wars. Then I think about this situation from the parent’s point of view, leaving their children behind to go fight in war to protect their country. Not knowing if they will ever get to come home again to their children’s smiling faces, to hear about their day at school or help them with their…
War never changes, does it? War in itself is a horrible thing. People die and families are cut apart. It's awful, even from a politician who thinks of the population only as a percentage. However, war can do good for a country in certain ways.…