The Kellogg Company began in 1906 in Battle Creek, Michigan with the founder Will Keith Kellogg, also known as W.K., and his brother Dr. John Harvey Kellogg accidently created a new kind of cereal that was flaked when trying to make shredded wheat cereal. Will Kellogg did not a education past the sixth grade, but still decided to entered the cereal industry with his new style of cereal in 1906. In 1906 the United States was going from eating breakfast that was rich in fat to a breakfast that was rich with grains and easier to consume as well as easier to make. Will Kellogg realized that to produce a good cereal he needed a good flake and he found that using corn grit or what he like to call “sweet heart of the corn” and Corn Flakes were born. At the time Will Kellogg decided to enter the cereal industry there were forty-two other cereal companies that had already resided in Battle Creek, Michigan. So with there being so many companies selling cereal, but his was the first to use corn, Will Kellogg wanted to ensure that his brand of cereal stood out from the rest so he came up with the idea of calling his brand of cereal, known as Toasted Corn Flakes, as “The Original” and Will Kellogg also placed his signature on each cereal box. Because of the unique sweet taste of Corn Flakes, Will Kellogg succeeded, with his Toasted Corn Flake Company, competing against the abundant of other wheat flakes companies. The Corn Flakes brand cereal succeeded because Will Kellogg was catering to the breakfast needs of the greater population, not only those concerned with their health, but to those looking for a quick and tasty breakfast.…