Marx says that an individual sells his labour for a certain amount of wages. He receives this labour from the capitalist, who not only demands his labour but actually demands his Labour-power. Thus, the labour-power is also a commodity. It’s a commodity that the worker sells to the capitalist. One can easily trace the reason behind this, which is wages. This wage that the labourer gets determines his level of subsistence. This level of subsistence determines his life productivity and thus affects every aspect of his life. He works to exists and thus to live. So labour is not merely a part of his life but is a sacrifice of his life. What he produces out of his abilities and faculties are not the goods that he makes, but the wages that he earns. Thus, after hours and hours of weaving, spinning, drilling etc: life begins at the point where his work activity ceases. This is the central idea behind the
Marx says that an individual sells his labour for a certain amount of wages. He receives this labour from the capitalist, who not only demands his labour but actually demands his Labour-power. Thus, the labour-power is also a commodity. It’s a commodity that the worker sells to the capitalist. One can easily trace the reason behind this, which is wages. This wage that the labourer gets determines his level of subsistence. This level of subsistence determines his life productivity and thus affects every aspect of his life. He works to exists and thus to live. So labour is not merely a part of his life but is a sacrifice of his life. What he produces out of his abilities and faculties are not the goods that he makes, but the wages that he earns. Thus, after hours and hours of weaving, spinning, drilling etc: life begins at the point where his work activity ceases. This is the central idea behind the