The employees of Walmart are mistreated in multiple ways, especially in America. Wages at the super centers are low and the healthcare plan is less than adequate. Because of this, people in the United States push for a union at Walmart. The only problem is, is that Walmart is extremely anti-union. Whenever people in the store start to bring up unionizing and the manager catches wind of it, the higher ups are contacted and tactics are taken in order to break apart the idea of making a union. Walmart installs cameras all around the store so that it can spy on workers that may be conspiring, and it also fires any worker that shows any suspicion at all. This usually ends up killing the movement. Other countries all around the world have unionized at their Walmarts, but here in America, we are unable to come to an agreement on the …show more content…
Small towns fight to keep the super store out of their communities, but some are unsuccessful. There are too many people that would rather have a Walmart for all of their needs instead of a specialized store. The union is also fighting against Walmart, but more on the grounds of unionizing it. Unfortunately, the fight has slowed down as Walmart continues to refuse union offers. The number of communities not affected by Walmart grows smaller every year.
Today, every town you enter probably has a Walmart within 30 miles of it. The store has swept over the nation and even the world like a plague. The wages of workers are not improving and neither is the health care. The same also goes for the workers in China. Almost all small businesses fear the day when a Walmart will enter their community and eventually shut them down. I believe that Walmart is a horrible store that mistreats its workers and customers, and also is inevitably a burden on the