Walden Two introduces us to the concepts of positive punishment, classical conditioning, and shaping through the utopian community of Walden Two. Walden Two takes a dive into behavior modification through these concepts to create a society that is considered ideal. The main characters of Walden Two let us delve deep into the inner workings of this “utopia” through their criticisms and contrasting views. The characters expose the flaws and the successes of behavior modification in pursuit of an ideal community.
Identifying With the Characters
Walden Two introduces us to seven characters that have contrasting qualities. Of the seven characters introduced, only three of them are really significant. Frazier, Castle, and Burris are the three most significant characters. They all have contrasting views, and through these views they point out the successes and flaws of this utopian society. Frazier and Castle are two opposites while Burris seems to be more of a halfway point between the two personalities. Frazier is the founder of Walden Two, but is surprisingly hypocritical and not the “ideal” member. Castle is a colleague of Burris, and the opposite of Frazier. Castle tries to point out every reason why the society will not work to Frazier throughout the book. He is close-minded and does not plan to stay at Walden Two. Burris is a college professor and who we see the novel through. Burris is very open-minded and courting the possibility of staying at Walden two while at the same time being pretty skeptical of Walden Two. Burris and Frazier also have some tension (Burris dislikes Frazier). This tension does not affect the decision Burris makes to stay at Walden Two. Burris is the type of person that I can identify with. Burris is very open-minded and does not discriminate his views of Walden Two based upon his dislike for Frazier. He makes his decision based upon his experience there.
The “Real World” The economy
References: Oaks, Twin. (January 27, 2008). Twin Oaks Community. March 23 2008, from http://www.twinoaks.org/ Skinner, B.F. (1976). Walden Two. New York: Prentice Hall.