Lessons From a Walk in a Rain Forest
According to David Suzuki, the Choco Rainforest is a stable cosmos of complexity that mustn’t be destroyed in order to sustain communities and ecosystems indefinitely. Although deforestation can be positively utilized in the society, it has undeniable flaws. In our modern-day societies, profit is the main objective, desire and ambition; through the deforestation of such magnificent terrains, profit is easily gained. Suzuki stated, “…one can’t help but wonder why magnificent forests like this are being traded for squalid towns and villages of impoverished people and of scrawny cattle grazing on barren hills. Is there no other way to create income for the human residents while preserving the forest ecosystem?” (pg. 342) David Suzuki effectively elucidates the vibrancy, and diversity that exist within the rainforest. “So biodiversity is not just a descriptive property of tropical rain forests, it is the very mechanism of its stability for survival,” commented David. (pg. 339) The Choco rainforest has the most known bird species around the world, and orchids, the second most amphibians, the third most reptiles, and one of every five bats, in the entire world. This incredible diversity of living things is “beyond any scientific comprehension and, if destroyed, will never be duplicated or recreated.” (pg. 341) Along with Suzuki’s perspective on the deforestation ideal, United Nations reported in 1987 that; “it is a terrible irony that as formal development reaches more deeply into rain forests, deserts and other isolated environments, it tends to destroy the only cultures that have proved able to thrive in these environments.” (pg. 341) Throughout the years, organizations such as OREWA, which was formed in order to represent the indigenous peoples of the rainforests in governmental land disputes, have opened the eyes of nations around the world to the problems circulating around the deforestation of rain