“Do you ever have the feeling that you are missing out on something important?” Ryan starts. “It’s Probably because you are.” (Loc. 247) Many of us are missing out on all God has for our life. What is keeping us from living the life God intends? Walls– separating us from the greatness God has destined for us. We get stuck plateauing in our spiritual progress, seeming to come to a screeching halt with our growth in the Lord. This is the issue Rush begins to portray in his book, Walls.
Rush paints a wonderful picture of how we, as Christians, are to live authentic lives. He provides much Biblical insight in this book to help us break the walls holding us back. We might overcome these stumbling blocks by learning to trust and chase after our Creator with all we have. Only then, He will begin to unveil His plan and promises. One of the greatest quotes of this book, is Ryan’s definition of a wall. He describes them as, “an unhealthy mind-set that keeps you from living life as God has intended.” (Loc. 453) These bricks, slowly laid down over time, can consist of negative thoughts, sins, doubts, and bitterness against our God. There are no quick fixes in breaking these walls. He says that we need decision, self-control, and a plan in order to get through. In order to break the wall, Rush describes, we need to be able to recognize that the wall is there.
Throughout the book, Rush does a great job and telling the people what to do. He really lays down plans and ideas that can get you closer to breaking through. He gives us many tools and actions to help us. We are told to make a plan, to have self-control, and make decisions to break the walls. Rush really emphasizes on the different types of walls we might see. He names almost a dozen different walls and how we are stuck behind them. He always ended with emphasis on our decision is what keeps us locked up behind them. “Everybody is stuck, but nobody has to be,” he names the chapter. One