1. Walt Disney Company has successfully adapted licensing as a market entry mode in different countries. What are the advantages of using licensing as entry mode? Licensing brings financial risks are low. The licensor should research the market opportunity and the ability of the licensee. It also allows the licensor to know more about the potential sale of products and services in new markets without a major commitment of financial resources and management. Licensees benefit through the opportunity to make sales with the cost of R & D, which is a bit on the products and services that have been successful in other international markets.
2. McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants have benefited tremendously by using franchising …show more content…
There are four entry strategy into the international market to choose from. Joint Venture. It differs from the export of which is shared with partners from the host country to sell abroad. The joint venture is a shared concern with foreign companies to manufacture or market products and services. There are four types of joint ventures . First , licensing. The Company will enter into an agreement with the receiving licenses in foreign markets and impose fees or royalties where the recipient the right to buy the license to use the company's production process, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other valuable items. Companies will be able to get into the market at low risk, while receiving benefits lessen manufacturing expertise, or product, or a name that is recognizable without the need to start from scratch. For example, McDonald's represents the food industry and Holiday Inn representing the hospitality industry. Some disadvantages of this method include less control over recipients of licenses and if they succeed, it has added another competitor in the …show more content…
It exists in a broad spectrum of markets, including capital markets, market leading products and component parts of the market. keiretsu relationships are often cemented by bank ownership of large blocks of shares and by cross-shareholdings between companies and non-financial buyers and suppliers. Also, executive keiretsu can legally sit on the board to each other, share information, and coordinate prices. Therefore, keiretsu function as a cartel that has the blessing of the government. Although it is not a market entry strategy alone, it plays an important role in the international success of Japanese companies as they look for new markets. Clyde Prestowitz provided the following examples to show how the keiretsu relationship has potential impact on US businesses. In the 1980s, Nissan was in the market for a super computer to be used in the design of the car. Two vendors under consideration is Cray and