your life.
Enter the magic world of Disney ". The salary of one " cast member " beginning varies between 6 000 and 7 000 true raw products In it are added certain fringe benefits, such as 20 % of reduction on products Disney. The formation(training): the second initiatory rite. The new " cast members " follow a training course at the university Disney during which they learn not only the name of the first character of Disney, but also how to smile. For all them " cast members ", including frames(executives): disguise at least once in a character!a month he managers as for them, follow a training course in the United States. Taboos Quite new " cast member " receives a brochure of 13 pages, which presents all the "prohibitions" which " go against the image Disney ". For example, it is specified that " nor the discoloration, the dye, the drills(locks) or the sweeping(scanning) are authorized "; for the men(people), it is necessarily necessary the port(bearing) of shoes and black socks? Neither beard, nor mustache are allowed in it. The size(cutting) of nails, and skirts, as well as the dimension of earrings are determined to it. The use of a deodorant, and " the port(bearing) of sous clothes suited during the working time " is also
advised. Symbols Mickey: major symbol of this world of "dream". Language: directly imported by the American practices: use of first name, use of the familiar 'tu'; strong use of English. {text:bookmark-start} La culture de Disneyland Paris {text:bookmark-end} Les informations présentées ci-dessous proviennent de trois sources majeures : interviews auprès des salariés, observation et analyse du nombre important d’articles publiés dans la presse française. Valeurs La qualité totale du service rendu. Le rêve, l’imaginaire, le spectacle. Mythes Walt Disney : mythe d’origine. Disney World : mythe de réussite. L’Amérique : mythe héroïque. La jeunesse éternelle : mythe de l’homme enfant. Rites Les managers quant à eux, suivent un stage de formation aux Etats-Unis. Tabous Symboles Mickey : symbole majeur de ce monde de " rêve ". " Disneylook " : l’uniforme, mais également toutes les recommandations des " interdits ". Langage : directement importé des pratiques américaines : utilisation de prénom, tutoiement ; forte utilisation de l’anglais.