The Execution of Wanda Jean is a compelling documentary based on a convicted murderess name Wanda Jean Allen who was sentenced to death in 1989 after shooting her lover Gloria Leathers, whom she met in prison while serving for time in prison for another killing. This documentary shows how the state of Oklahoma continues to execute Wanda Jean to the death penalty in which she had a low IQ, bordering on mental retardation. With the help of family, friends and her legal team, Wanda files for clemency but the Clemency Board denies her plea. Although Oklahoma’s decision may seem to be cruel, I think there are many factors in which why she should of received the death penalty.
Based on Wanda Jean Allen’s criminal actions, the death penalty was the correct retributive tool used in this case because she was convicted of two felonies in which both involved manslaughter and murder on the first degree. The cases also involved two people that were close to Wanda Jean and were based on an argument. Therefore, she was a repeated offender and it seemed like both of the crimes she committed were intentionally. Wanda also proved to the state of Oklahoma that she did not rehabilitate after her first conviction. She is harm to the society and I believe this was a message the state was trying to give to the people who commit these types of crime.
At an early age Wanda Jean was hit by a truck and was knocked out unconscious. This affected her brain and it was later found that her actual abilities were markedly impaired and had an IQ below 70. I think her limited mental capacity should have prevented her from being put to death penalty because her brain was dysfunctional and she also had problems with the abilities to comprehend and logically express her self. Therefore she did not have the mental capacity to seriously murder someone for a specific reason. For example, when the police officers told her that her lover Gloria Leather died, she