The Wannsee Conference was held in order to explain the Nazis’ plan to carry out the “Final Solution”. The “Final Solution” is a euphemism to make their plan sound better than what it actually was. There was nothing good about this plan; the main goal of it was to get rid of the Jews by any means possible. It was estimated that around 11,000,000 Jews in Europe will be involved in the "Final Solution”. During the movie it was evident that not a single one of the officials at the meeting opposed the Final Solution.
Instead of opposing the operation, the officials discussed the way it should be carried out. The one man did not like the way the plan was to be carried out because it was conflicting with the laws he created. The killing part did not bother him; it was just the way that it was to be done. It just goes to show that he was only about himself as were many of the others. The fact that out of all the man, not a single one spoke up about how unethical the plan to expose of the Jews proves to me that the men that attended this meeting were all downright immoral men.
At the end of the movie it showed where the members of the conference ended up. Many were sentenced to jail time for their role in the “Final Solution”. Unfortunately, some of the men were released due to the lack of evidence. To me the fact that they attended the meeting should be evidence enough, not a single person tried to stop the “Final Solution”. The members that did get killed got what they deserved. The role they played in the conference affected millions and millions of innocent people.