Even if you are not directly associated with war stories can make you feel, the way Tim O’Brein writes is designed to make you feel. How veterans are effected by war and how the families are effected by war are things we all have been taught and adding the emotional story to that makes it relatable to everybody. “Will make us feel something that maybe we haven’t felt before in exactly the same way” (O’Brein). There is probably different ways people can infer that statement but I feel that it is saying these are feelings we know but do not really think of that much, but when we read the story it makes you think and you start to feel something that you did not know was there. Tim O’Brein tells more than just three things about war in his stories but in my personal opinion these three are important. The way veterans, and their families are effected are recognized but not as often as they probably should be. Also, the effects of war is something everybody can be emotional about not just people involved as it is a sad thing to some people and when you really think about the harm it can do to people, not only physically, but
Even if you are not directly associated with war stories can make you feel, the way Tim O’Brein writes is designed to make you feel. How veterans are effected by war and how the families are effected by war are things we all have been taught and adding the emotional story to that makes it relatable to everybody. “Will make us feel something that maybe we haven’t felt before in exactly the same way” (O’Brein). There is probably different ways people can infer that statement but I feel that it is saying these are feelings we know but do not really think of that much, but when we read the story it makes you think and you start to feel something that you did not know was there. Tim O’Brein tells more than just three things about war in his stories but in my personal opinion these three are important. The way veterans, and their families are effected are recognized but not as often as they probably should be. Also, the effects of war is something everybody can be emotional about not just people involved as it is a sad thing to some people and when you really think about the harm it can do to people, not only physically, but