@“The Wound Dresser” by Walt Whitman and “War is Kind” by Stephen Crane, are both sad yet beautifully poetic works of art that focus on the harshness of war with many similarities displayed in diverse ways like tone, writing style, theme, and how the author's individual experiences with war have helped create these works of art.
@First, both “The Wound Dresser” and “War is Kind” are similar in theme when describing the harshness of war. Both poems describe the harshness of the civil war and how it affects those who are close to the soldiers who have been wounded or have died. “The Wound Dresser” and “War is Kind” describes the harshness of war in theme in vivid and gruesome detail. For example, “War is Kind” describes the civil war and its effects on three women. These three women are related to the soldiers who have passed away and have left them behind. The three women related to the fallen soldiers are …show more content…
“The Wound Dresser” describes the horrors of the soldiers who fought during the civil war and the wounds he dresses at a military hospital. Many of these wounds suffered by the soldiers are described in gruesome detail, which helps support the harshness of war theme. In the poem, the narrator speak to the young people about the harsh and gruesome effects war has on the soldiers and how those experiences have affected him mentally. The narrator describes the harshness of war and how it has affected him by speaking to a wounded soldier and stating, “I never knew you, Yet I think I could not refuse this moment to die for you, if that would save you.” (Baym, 72) This example displays the narrator’s tremendous courage and selflessness to willingly give up his own life a so a boy he has never met could live, thus supporting the harsh nature of war